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Location: kings Island California Delta 2020
Have you ever fished in 1 or 2 foot of water? No fun right … well that’s what the Skunks got caught fishing in during our first trip out to the Delta. Yes of course we had heard about the tides, the moon phases … yadda yadda yadda … but who has time to research? I mean, fishing is fishing right? Wrong.
We left early in the morning, normally prepared in gear but badly prepared with information. Our plan was to hit this one spot on the delta and fish a couple areas we had marked on our @fishbrain app. Easy right? We launched Betsy and throttled our little 3.5 HP motor and off we went.
Everything seemed fine until we noticed that the water was rushing out of our fishing spot really quick… it was only 9am! We had caught some decent fish, but we were in the search of our PB’s! It was now 11am and we noticed our trolling motor was getting stuck more often. We had to make our move … we had to jet out of there before it was too late.
We fired up the big motor … … and gunned it as land started to appear to our left and right … just picture the scene out of an action movie … it was that dramatic. We came to a fork in the river and we had to make a decision.. left or right … we chose left … big mistake!
Thud thud thud … the big motor went … stuck on hydrengia… we were sitting on 1 foot of water… luckily we had some paddles … we paddled our way back to the main channel and barely escaped being stuck in the mud. We got the big motor running again and the rest is history! Pay attention to the tides! Follow us on IG @skunk_works209
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Well written. Great job!