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A quick trip up the mountains and a new personal best. Family time during the day and two late night fishing trips in a row. Combined we caught 7 fat cows in 2 nights. Each fish was well over 3lbs. Not one Dink in the bunch. A lot of people will ask the location of such a Great Lake loaded with bass but this secret is safe with me. The only thing I can tell you is that it’s in the Poconos and it’s a private lake. I caught 2 fish over the course of our trips. My first fish was caught using a black/blue swim jug with a rattle and a googan craw trailer. I was happy with this 3+ pound fish and if I didn’t catch anything else it would have been ok with me. About 25 minutes later I changed over to a clickbait and that’s when I was in for a shock. This particular lake has been fished by my companions for at least a dozen years and neither have seen a bass that big in its stained water. As we trolled around the lake on a modified Jon boat in complete darkness, we hit all the main spots. At one point we stopped trolling and let the gentle current take us wherever it felt. It was dark. The moon was hiding behind the clouds and the running lights where shut down. I recognized an ambush point on the bend of some structure and i let my clickbait fly. It hit water and sank for a few seconds. I gave my bait a quick pop and real to activate the chatter and bam. It felt like I hooked a log and then I felt a pull. I set the hook and my companions turned all the lights on. When he got closer to the boat my buddies where shouting that he was a hog. I got him to the side of the boat and when I tried to pull him out of the water my drag started screaming. We don’t use a net so I knew I had to lip him right out of the water. The moment was tense when I saw the absolute monster of a mouth starring at me. With not hands I reached into his mouth a hoisted him into the boat. It was a perfect hook set. Hook came right out and after a couple pictures it was time for the scale. The scale read 4.896 lbs and in all of my excitement, we forgot to measure his length but i was totally content with almost a 4lbs 14oz pig. It was Caught w/ a Googan 3” Okeechobee Craw trailing on a 1/2oz Googan Squad Clickbait Jig Green Pumpkin using a 3000 shimano vanford and a 6’9” medium shimano zodias.
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